Rising for Rights

Strengthening Civil Society Network in South Asia to achieve SDG 6
As any social and development intervention to succeed, it is important to adopt a bottom-up, need and rights-based approach, incorporating community voices (of low-income, marginalized communities, women, people with different sexual identity who are in minority, and sanitation workers) for the success of the CWIS (Citywide Inclusive Sanitation) approach. The outcome of a CWIS approach is that everyone in an urban area has access to and benefits from adequate and sustainable sanitation services thereby managing human waste safely along the entire sanitation service chain.

Asia’s cities are growing rapidly. By 2030, more than 55% of the population will live in urban areas. With higher population densities and urban expansion, managing the vast amounts of human waste is becoming ever more challenging. Lack of sanitation can significantly impact city and national economies, affecting public health, productivity, competitiveness, real estate values, and the overall quality of life. Rapid urbanization and population growth, and the limited experience with quality on-site sanitation and fecal sludge management services are challenges for improved urban sanitation program.

The program aims to strengthen the capacity of Freshwater Action Network South Asia (FANSA) platform and its coordination mechanisms to scale up participatory citywide inclusive sanitation (CWIS) approach in South Asia (SA) and beyond thereby leading to establishing itself as a vibrant South Asian Network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

Strengthening Civil Society Network in South Asia to achieve SDG 6 by concerted action for scaling up CWIS.

Targeted population have increased access to Safely Managed Sanitation Service (SMSS) through CWIS in the SA Region.

Result areas
Poor, vulnerable, and marginalized communities have equitable access to safe WASH services as a result of CWIS. FANSA, as a vibrant CSO network in SA, will advocate extensively for CWIS across the South Asia to achieve the right to WASH facilities of poor and vulnerable communities by organizing, demonstrating, and advocating equitable.